Velja afhendingarmáta
Höfundar: Lovísa Ásbjörnsdóttir, Erling Ólafsson

Surtsey is a unuque island. Fifty years have passed since Surtsey´s history began with an eruption on the ocean floor southwest of the Vestmannaeyjar archipelago in 1963. A marvellous opportunity for geological and biological research was granted, marking the start of an uninterrupted, globally unique research programme that lasted 50 years. The eruption is the longest one ever observed in Iceland. Research has been continuous, providing unique data and leading to Surtsey’s inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2008. This book provides an exceptional opportunity to view the hidden world of Surtsey, and readers can enjoy being expertly guided through the fifty years of the island’s history. Changes have been remarkable from the start, and the book covers Surtsey’s geology, vegetation and bird life, as well as its evolving community of invertebrates.

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