Matchstick Monkey Teddy tiger teether
Dýralínan er skemmtileg viðbót við tanntökuvörur Matchstick Monkey.
Vörurnar eru að að sjálfsögðu BPA fríar og úr FDA vottuðu sílikoni.
Inniheldur Biocote sem er leiðandi tækni í vörnum gegn myglu, vírusum og bakteríum.
Hægt er að kæla dýrið í ísskáp, sjóða og þvo í uppþvottavél.
- Nuddar góminn vel
- Góð leið til þess að æfa tannburstun
- Hentar vel fyrir tanngel
- Örvar hreyfiþroska
- Létt og meðfærilegt
- Hönnun sem auðveldar notkun
- Auðvelt að kæla
- Auðvelt að þrífa
- FDA vottað sílíkon
- Án allra BPA efna
- Án allra eiturefna
Perfect for tiny hands to grip, these adorable teethers help to soothe your baby's sore gums. The BioCote® Antimicrobial Protection helps keep germs at bay, whilst textured bumps get teething products straight to the source of the pain, no fingers needed. Flexible and fun, the ergonomic design helps your baby develop essential motor skills whilst they chew. -Teddy Tiger is a fun, soft textured silicone teether providing soothing relief to aching gums -Added BioCote® AntimicrobialProtection reducing microbes on the surface of the product making it morefresherand cleaner than any other teether - Soft toothbrush bumps on the back of the teether's head which are perfect for apply teething products to the hard to reach molars - Ergonomic design helps your baby to develop motor skills from an early age - Lightweight and easy for little hands to hold - Can be used as a pre-training toothbrush - FDA approved food-grade silicone - BPA free non-toxic and environmentally friendly - Dishwasher safe and fridge friendly -Suitable for steam and cold water sterilisation - Comes in reusable carry case packaging for storage - Height: 11cm